Activities & events
At Silverways Nursing Home we have a varied and stimulating activities programme, ran by our full-time team of friendly activity coordinators, which is planned in conjunction with the residents. Music and movement sessions provide exercise, fun and many laughs; visiting singers/entertainers and theatre groups offer diversion. Sensory sessions enable residents to experience all things taste and touch while our national days concentrate on celebrating all things weird and wonderful. Reminiscence sessions respect our residents life experiences, and our Sunday faith group provides a place to worship if the resident wishes; plus arts and crafts, quizzes, card-games, puzzles and pet therapy.
Click here to see an image gallery of activities >>
Person centred care is very important to our activity team and they will always go above and beyond to ensure that the wants and needs of our residents are met.
If you have any further questions surrounding the homes activities please email Ann, our Activities Manager on
A special effort is made to ensure that birthdays, anniversaries or special occasions are celebrated in style. Visitors are welcome to come any time.
We have our own in house Hairdresser, or residents can arrange for their own to visit.
We also have regular visits from a Chiropodist.
Spiritual needs are sensitively met by visiting church groups providing pastoral care for those who wish to partake.
External events and visitors are dependent on the COVID-19 situation and government guidelines.